Monday, July 29, 2019

I was able to exercise about an hour each day last week:  Mon.-yoga. Tues. -RSB,  Wed.-Kayaking, Thur.-RSB, Fri.-yoga, Sat. biking and Sun.-kayaking.  This is a huge improvement, thanks to Richard who is right there with me.

Trying to cut sugar out of my diet, which is hard. Weigh only 111 lbs., but still have a lot of fat around my belly and definitely lack core strength. 

Having a problem with not being able to move certain parts of my body certain times of the day.  For example-sometimes I can't move my shoulders up and down.  Seems to occur a couple hrs after I take my meds. Need to ask neuro about this. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

I can't believe it's been 5 years since I last posted. Well, I've tried using this blog to share my thoughts about having PD.  Then I tried using it to keep track of when I'd had exercised.  Now my purpose is to use it as a journal, which takes in everything.

Today I woke up early-around 6:30 am.  Felt low as usual, but pushed through breakfast and shower so we could leave to kayak at 8:30 am.   Meds @ 7:15, (1 sinamet)   Had cereal, almond milk and a few sips of OJ. And 3 pcs. of dark chocolate.  Kayaked for an hour-felt great!  Dystonia started around 10:00. Lasted around an hour.  We drove by little run down church by dam. Decided that would be our dream home.  Need to contact Donna L. about it.  Went in Monzi's to see what Monica knows about it.  Difficult speech. Embarrassing.  Went to dishroom.  When walking home met young man, Tim. Talked to him for a while.  Speech still not right.  Took 2nd sinamet around 12:20.   Felt some dystonia right before taking it.    Weird.  Worked on this for a few hours.  took 3rd PD pill at 6:00 pm. Experiencing some dyskenesia an hour later.