Thursday, July 28, 2011

I have Parkinson's Disease, which from now on I will refer to as PD. I found out about it 1 1/2 years ago when I was 51. I've been in denial since then, but recently the reality has hit me, hard. This is my story of my struggles and victories. I pray it blesses someone.


  1. Mom, I'm so glad that you started this blog. Keep writing. I love you.

  2. Stella thank you for taking the courgage to encourage and persevre. May the Lord bless you and have you continue to love Him deeply.

  3. Stella, this a great idea and I know it will bless others as well as yourself. Thanks for letting me know about it! Mandy

  4. Stella, I will read your blog faithfully. Thank you for using this opportunity to bless the Body and reach out to others.

  5. i love you very much. keep this blog up. i think it will be helpful in more ways then we all can imagine.
    you're such a beautiful lady.

  6. Thank you Mrs Novack for the example you are setting for us have so much courage! I am so glad you're blogging your journey. Love, Margaret

  7. Thanks everyone for the encouragement!
