God is so good! This evening I was lying on our bed under the fan doing some gentle arm and leg lifts. My mind was full of the day's physical, mental and spiritual struggles, of which there were many. I found myself in prayer, crying out to the Lord for patience, wisdom, forgiveness, assurance, and more than anything that he would restore my joy. I'm not talking "happy" here. I mean the deep down joy that comes from knowing the Risen Lord as Savior. The joy that one has regardless of circumstances. I can handle PD, I can handle nausea, I can handle depression, but I can't handle losing the joy of the Lord that has been in my heart all these years. I don't particularly believe in asking for signs, but I confess that I did ask for something to give me hope that his joy hasn't left me. Suddenly Richard came running into the room yelling for me to come quickly. I thought something was wrong. I followed him, both barefoot, into the back yard. The sun was shining, a gentle rain falling, and there in the eastern sky was the most beautiful rainbow that either of us had ever seen!! I stood there crying in my husbands arms, sharing with him my prayer. Now I don't think this means that all my troubles are over, but I do take it as a reminder that the Lord will never "flood" my life with more than I can handle and that his timing is perfect. Praise him!